Important notice about the Chameleon mobile wallet

The Chameleon Mobile App will be removed from app stores

On the 21st of September 2020 Chainzilla announced that they will be removing their mobile app ‘Chameleon Pay’ from the app stores.
This multi mobile wallet app included a Bismuth wallet for more than a year and served many Bismuth users very well for the whole time period.

Chainzilla explained in their blog post why they are removing their multi-wallet app from the app stores. Chainzilla also announced that they are publicly releasing the source code of their multi-wallet as open source before the 15th of October 2020.

The Bismuth Foundation team welcomes their decision to open source Chameleon which makes it possible for any wallet developer to reuse their code base for future wallet projects.

Now is the time for all Chameleon multi-wallet users to backup their private keys. We would recommend to all Chameleon users who own a mobile Bismuth wallet to use an alternative Bismuth Wallet (e.g. Tornado Bismuth Wallet or Tk-Wallet).
Therefore Chameleon users should send their entire mobile Chameleon Wallet balance to either their Tornado Bismuth Wallet or their Tk-Wallet.

Bismuth Wallet options:

You can join us on our Discord for any help.

One last thing: The chameleon wallet proved to be running smooth. Its release as opensource opens the gates to a dedicated Bismuth Mobile wallet, that could handle not only $BIS, but also native BIS Tokens and upcoming NFTs.

We welcome any developer willing to take over and adapt the code to contact us for specs, support, as well as bounty discussion.